Our Story

How it all started...

Refuge Nation was birthed in 2010, but the vision of Refuge was given many years before.  Pastor Grimsley (Brother Grimsley at the time) began to grow restless with church as usual.  He felt that there had to be more of God than just coming together and having a good time.  He set out to find the greater of God...and boy did he find it.  His encounter with God has fueled him to launch House of Refuge Church in Bear, Delaware and Refuge Nation (a Ministry called to World-Wide Evangelism).  From one man's hunger to see the Glory of God return to His Church, many have been saved, healed, delivered and set free.  Come hear the rest of the story for yourself...and join the journey!

Expanding the vision...

Refuge Nation has launched our new church app.  This tool is to encourage and keep you up to date with what God is doing within Refuge Nation and the Body of Christ.  We are working to bring you fresh uplifting content weekly.    Download the App today and Get Connected!

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Where we are headed...

The Purpose of Refuge Nation is to build a self-sustaining City of Refuge (safety) to house and shelter God's people during perilous times.  We have a pathway forward.  God has instructed us to literally become a City set on a hill, whose light will shine bright through the darkness of this world for those seeking Refuge.  The Vision is vast but we are Well Able to accomplish it.  Are you interested in learning more?  

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11am.