Welcome to Refuge Nation!

We're excited you're here.  Refuge Nation is a Fellowship of Believers devoted to the Work of the Kingdom of God.  

God's commission to the Believer is still to live a Holy life and compel others to come to Him.  (Luke 14:23)  As a result, the Body of Christ is reaching the lost and growing stronger.    

Our Vision and Mission is encapsulated within our name REFUGE (Psalm 91).

Within Refuge Nation, you will find REDEMPTION (Salvation), RESTORATION (Strength) and EMPOWERMENT (Purpose).  Are you ready to join Ministry with a Purpose?  If so, then...

Welcome to Refuge Nation!

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The Latest at Refuge

The Word of God is a Powerful tool to the Believer.  It will inspire and empower all who apply it.  Listen, take notes, share with a friend and Enjoy!

Service Times

Sunday Mornings


Wednesday  Evenings


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